These are some of the PCBs that have been designed by our team. The majority of them are Open Source and can be found on PCBWay’s shared projects.

Other Projects

68000 Flash Relocator Firmware / Software

Our team have taken the firmware for the Amiga 500 flash relocator designed by PR77 and improved the firmware to fix some bugs and allow two ROMs to be used. In addition our team wrote a GUI for Amiga OS 1.3 onwards to flash the ROMs from the Amiga. Details can be found on GitHub.

PiStorm Enhancements

We have contributed improvements to the PiStorm project in the form of bug fixes, a GUI to control the PiStorm using its API and are assisting the development of the next major firmware version. One of our team also writes the weekly “This Week in PiStorm” blog posts.